When youths drive pediatric cancer research

Cancer is a leading cause of death in children and adolescents. In Canada, 10,000 children are living with cancer and 4 new cases are diagnosed every day. Significant research efforts are led by adults on pediatric cancer. However, academic researchers cannot tackle these challenges alone.

What are the dreams and aspirations of young people living with cancer? How can the enthusiasm, knowledge, experience, new ideas and strengths of young people living with cancer be mobilized to advance science? This participatory research project aims to put young people “in the driver’s seat” of pediatric cancer research, to address the following pragmatic, scientific and educational goals:

    1. Research for Action: Support three research projects led by youth living with cancer based on objectives set by the youth themselves;
    2. Research for Science: Advance knowledge on inclusive youth engagement in pediatric research;
    3. Research for Education: Support capacity-building on youth engagement in pediatric research.

This project is conducted in collaboration with ACCESS, Leucan, Helena’s Hope and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Young researchers



Adela has been living with cancer since she was 5 years old. Today, she is in remission and plays alto saxophone in a music concentration program. She speaks three languages and loves to communicate.
She joined the research team as a young co-researcher to share her experiences, her vision and to listen to others.



Jacob is a cancer survivor. He has battled the unthinkable and with each setback, has become a stronger beacon for others. He is a positive and committed leader in his community. He always gives his best and stands up for children battling terminal illnesses.
He has joined the research team as a young co-researcher to continue to speak out and improve the overall experience of children with cancer.

You can be a scientist too

ACCESS Annual General Meeting

Project overview

Participatory Research With Youth - YPAR
In collaboration with:
IRSC - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Helena's Hope
Leucan - Association pour les enfants atteints de cancer
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