Recognition-Accompaniment-Relationship-Mutual Support

Caring Community provides a bridge between health and community through the integration of peers into primary care teams. Peers are individuals with significant life experience who engage as allies in a listening, connecting, and accompanying role in attainment of the life goals set by the individual, at their own pace. The role of peers is distinct from and complementary to those of health care professionals and community workers.

Caring Community is built on the experience of peer support initiatives (e.g., in mental health, addiction, homelessness, for women, seniors, and Indigenous peoples) and distinguishes itself by its holistic health approach, regardless of the person’s age or health conditions.

Piloted since 2017, Caring Community has been the object of a publication in the British Medical Journal, identified as an “emblematic model” of integrated community care by the international consortium TRANSFORM, and recognized as a leading practice by Accreditation Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

What is Caring Community ? (in French)

Discovering to Care with Peers


Working with peers in a healthcare team (in French)

The world of peers’ engagement in care

Healthcare systems are increasingly interested in engaging peers, in Quebec, as elsewhere.

Peers are people with significant life experiences, mobilizing their knowledge for the purpose of accompaniment and support.

Today, a wide range of words are used to name them: peer support, peer helper, navigator, street worker, community health worker or self-help groups.

How do we find our way around such terms? What differentiates them? And why use one rather than another?

Here’s a “road map” to find our way around.


Panaite A-C, Desroches O-A, Warren E, Rouly G, Castonguay G, Boivin A. Engaging with peers to integrate community care: Knowledge synthesis and conceptual map. Health Expect. 2024; 27:e14034. doi:10.1111/hex.14034

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